Monday, November 26, 2007


“Don’t think too much”. Easier said than done…
Immersed myself into world of guiltiness once; was truly a very hard time to pass through, just like a terrified dreams that keep haunting me, day and night…
But, it has over... Cozy world of the past no longer exist, friends who see you tend to comment “It’s over, so what else you can do…”
Needless to say, I understand that. Just as natural inclination for human to cling to the past, though understandable, but in fact, it's a road to nowhere.
Grateful that I still having good thoughts of somone's act and decision, negative thought was never poop out from my mind.
Trying to focus on the present, not in the land of guilt and regret… nor thinking pointlessly about the future. Keep a firm grip on my own life!
Hey girl: “Making those self-promises come true, it only demands a little more than just wishful thinking. Make it happen, it is never too late!"

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